Summer 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to our Summer 2023 Newsletter! We hope this newsletter finds you well. In this newsletter we acknowledge the sad passing of Di Margetts, we celebrate and welcome Niki Lewarne as a new trainer, our successful award of Targeted Parenting fund, more PB training...

Summer 2021 Newsletter

We hope you are keeping well and able to look forward to enjoying more of the summer.  We’ve been inspired and once again so appreciative of all the levels of training courses we have been commissioned to deliver. Some wonderfully skilled staff have trained with us...

Newsletter Spring 2021

Welcome to our Spring 2021 Newsletter! We hope you are keeping well and with winter passing and spring arriving there seems more to look forward to now. We have been fortunate in continuing to deliver a record number of training sessions including School Partnerships,...

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Training professionals We hope you are keeping safe and well in these strange and uncertain times. I imagine many services are needing to adapt to new ways of working as we are. We’ve needed to postpone some courses and lockdown happened before one course was...

Recent Network Meeting

Thank you to those who came to the recent network meeting and the great feedback about our anti-bullying animation. Really valuable discussions about bullying, PBs with teenagers, children’s anxiety about transition and engaging with children and young people through...

Bullying – Strategies for Staying Safe 

This animation ‘Bullying – Strategies for Staying Safe’ is one of 3 safeguarding animations developed by Families Feeling Safe and Dr Hayley Davis, lecturer in the sociology of childhood in the School of Education at the University of Leeds. Resources for working with...

Autumn 2019 Newsletter

What we’ve been up to Training professionals We are off to an exciting start this term and are looking forward to training staff who are new to Protective Behaviours on Level 1 courses. We are delivering three Level 2 courses including two DSPL areas for staff...

Summer 2019 Newsletter

What we’ve been up to Training professionals Thanks for the great feedback from course participants. We trained 120 new staff members in Protective Behaviours during the spring term. Were you aware that we also provide inset and team training courses? These are...

Dads only – Why?

31 Dads completed our evidence-based Families Feeling Safe groups last term. We’re sometimes asked why some of our Families Feeling Safe Protective Behaviours parent programmes are for Dads and male carers only? We recently won two separate funding bids for our...