Morris Facilitator Training

Who is this training for?

This 1-day training course is for people working with children and parents or carers. Applicants will need to have completed Protective Behaviours (PBs) Level 1 (Foundation) and Level 2 (Intermediate) training in order to apply for this.

Morris and his friends talk about feelings is a series of 4 workshops for parents and children aged 5-8 years. This is PBs based intervention for children and their parent or carer which can be run in schools and other settings.

The workshops are based upon the Protective Behaviours process and can be a fun way for parents to help their children talk about and manage their feelings. Puppets and some simple art and craft activities are used in groups of up to 8 children plus their parent or carer.

The expected outcomes of the workshops for parents and carers are that:

  • They and their children learn about Protective Behaviours together.
  • They are enabled to help their children talk about, understand and manage their feelings.
  • They are enabled to help their children develop empathy for the feelings of others
  • Their children will build resilience by asking for help and by using networks of support.
  • They and their children will have quality time together.

 The outcomes of the training are to:

  • Widen knowledge of PBs in practice
  • Be able to apply Protective Behaviours principles in a creative way
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of working with children and their parents together
  • Gain skills to help parents and children to talk about, understand and manage their feelings

    To book onto this click here to see Upcoming Training.

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    Protective Behaviours Workshop

    This course has been life changing for the parent I am working with and I’ve noticed her grow over the weeks.

    Primary Outreach Worker, Education Support Centre

    The facilitators were wonderful, clear and to the point, amazing. I will use it every day to help children overcome their barriers to learning.

    Protective Behaviours Workshop attendee

    The most significant piece of learning was the work around The Language of Safety – tuning in, re-phrasing and becoming more aware. The course has raised my awareness of all areas of Protective Behaviours, how this will fit with our culture/ethos in school and alongside Restorative Practice approach.

    My Feelings Matter workshop

    The most significant thing I learned is to understand situations and I have the right to feel safe like the rest of my family/friends. I thought it was a well delivered course by 2 brilliant tutors who were calm, clear and supportive. Absolutely brilliant course and it’s made me aware that you can never stop learning about different strategies.

    Morris workshop

    I can talk better with my mum about my feelings. I told her I even enjoy the workshops because I feel safe to say what I want about my feelings. I like Matilda and mum’s getting me one for Christmas.

    Communication workshop

    I found the group very good, very supportive and much needed. It’s been helpful knowing you can share without judgement. I’m listening more and we are communicating better at home and my children are benefitting from me being calmer.

    Managing Strong Feelings Workshop

    The most significant thing I have learned is that I’m not failing as a dad and that most people probably face parenting issues. I’ve now got skills to help me help my children.

    Families Feeling Safe Programme

    My children have benefitted from me attending because it’s helped create a happier home by me being more understanding and reacting differently.

    I have a renewed passion for Protective Behaviours. I’ve used it in my professional work but recognise through this group I can use it more at home within my own family.

    Outreach worker, Children’s Centre Facilitator Training

    I feel Protective Behaviours is the pinnacle of our work, which helps reshape our service on every level with the families we work with because our families can relate to it on an everyday basis.

    Family Intervention worker

    Lots of good ideas and discussions, lots of activities and time to process ideas. Good pace and supportive. Lots of knowledge and experience shared by the facilitator. I will use it with everyone, especially with young people

    Facilitator Training Course

    Thank you! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the learning and discussions. Thank you to the facilitators, it’s been a pleasure to meet you all. Very supportive.

    About Us Quote

    We can talk with someone about anything, even if it’s awful or small

    Communication Workshop

    Before I attended It was like walking on egg shells with my daughter’s anger and frustration. Now, it’s harmony and effective communication

    Managing strong feelings workshop

    I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it all useful and practical. I’ve told others how positive the course has been and how much more confident I feel in myself and my ability to parent. It’s given me practical strategies to try out with my children and I’ve had such a positive outcome from discussing feelings with them.

    Morris the Bear

    It’s been particularly useful thinking the way I am when the children misbehave and my approach to discipline. It’s helped me feel more laid-back and I investigate the problem more. I found it was very good and lovely to spend time as a family doing activities.

    Parent who attended Morris

    It was particularly useful breaking down Teddy’s feelings (Morris) into simple terms to help my son understand. It will help me to use different language when discussing how they are feeling. Also, reminding me that I need to let them know how I am feeling. My son particularly enjoyed the one to one with me.

    About Us Quote 2

    We all have the right to feel safe all the time

    Protective Behaviour Level 1

    Lots of good ideas and discussions, lots of activities and time to process ideas. Good pace and supportive. Lots of knowledge and experience shared by the facilitator. I will use it with everyone, especially with young people

    Protective Behaviour Level 2

    The facilitators were wonderful, clear and to the point, amazing. I will use it everyday to help children overcome their barriers to learnin

    FFS Facilitator

    The most significant learning has been the clarity of how PBs can be delivered effectively to parents and carers. Well supported by thorough programme manual. It will enable me to use PBs further to empower carers and parents to change behaviours and lives

    Morris Facilitator

    I’ve found it helpful explaining to my child feelings are usual and normal and seeing his realization that feelings are OK to have. As a parent it has helped me be more patient and understand that feelings are real and valid even if I cannot understand why he feels this way. I enjoyed the group, a friendly calm atmosphere

    Communications Workshop

    Nice to be given a reminder of how to communicate effectively with my child as I have slipped into old communication methods

    FFS Programme

    I have been calmer in my dealing with my daughter. I feel our relationship has improved as a result. I think the whole course has been very useful and I feel lucky to have been given the opportunity to attend

    The Living Room 2017

    Although Protective Behaviour programmes delivered by Hertfordshire’s Families Feeling Safe Protective Behaviours Service are available at schools and children’s centres, the families trapped in the cycle of addiction that we work with, are incredibly vulnerable and hard-to-reach and, consequently, rarely engage in them. However, here at The Living Room, these families have gained our trust, and are given the time and close support they need to assimilate new learning. Consequently, there is a high need for us to run our own in-house Protective Behaviour programmes

    The Living Room – (Parent)

    It gave me so much insight into my child’s, feelings, thoughts and behaviour.

    The Living Room – (Fiona Benjamin, Director of Families Feeling Safe)

    A key factor was that the content of the programme complimented and affirmed parents’ learning from the in-house 12 step programme they had been attending. Therefore their learning was reinforced and built upon in relation to what this meant in parenting their children.