We hope you are keeping well and able to look forward to enjoying more of the summer. We’ve been inspired and once again so appreciative of all the levels of training courses we have been commissioned to deliver. Some wonderfully skilled staff have trained with us adding Protective Behaviours to their practice with children, adults and for themselves. To support those who have trained with us we are again providing network meetings in the autumn term. There are dates for anyone trained in PBs at any level and also for Registered Families Feeling Safe parenting programme facilitators. Please see what’s coming up for dates and to register your place.
We will review the possibility of face to face training courses in the autumn term and also parent programmes with our funders.
Training professionals
There are a few places available on our next online Level 1 course in September. Please book before end of term if possible.
Working With Parents and Carers
Online Parent courses – Families Feeling Safe – Supporting families with Protective Behaviours.
Funded by HCC there are eligibility criteria. Places are for parents & carers with existing needs or Families First Assessment, CIN or CP concerns
14 Sept – 19 Oct 7.30-9.00pm for Mum Dads & Carers
15 Sept – 20 Oct 7.30-9.00pm for Dads, Step-Dads, Carers
To make a referral to either course please email enquiries@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk
For further details, posters, leaflets and registration forms please visit our website https://familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk/courses-and-workshops-for-parents-and-carers/
What’s coming up
Training Dates
Protective Behaviours training courses
- Level 1 – 16,17,23 & 24 Sept. 9.30am – 12.30pm Please click here for booking form ….and here for course details..
- Level 2 –To be added to our waiting list please emailadmin@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk
Families Feeling Safe – A Protective Behaviours programme for Mums, Dads & Carers. Open Access Facilitator training course (completion of Level 2 is required):
- To be added to our waiting list please email admin@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk
PBs Network meetings (no charge)
These provide opportunities for CDP, support, ideas sharing and reviewing elements of PBs.
Network meetings open to anyone trained in PBs:
• 21 September 12.30-2.00pm
• 10 November 12.30-2.00pm
Network meeting for Registered Facilitators of our evidence based Families Feeling Safe Protective Behaviours programme for Mums, Dads & Carers:
• 2 November 12.30-2.00pm
To reserve a place please specify the date you are requesting and email fiona@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk
Your news
If you have any PBs news, images or examples of how you are using PBs we’d love to hear from you and feature this on our website or newsletter (with your permission).