Morris and his friends talk about feelings

Who are these workshops for?

  • For parents to help their children (between 5 and 8) to talk about and manage their feelings.

Our series of four ‘Morris’ workshops are based on the Protective Behaviours process.

The purpose of the Morris workshops are to help reduce anxiety, build confidence and enhance family life and have fun whilst learning and playing together. Through simple art and craft activities, the participants discover how three puppet characters feel in different situations in a light hearted and engaging environment.

The 1.5 hour sessions are held at schools or other community venues over four consecutive weeks and cover the key Protective Behaviours themes.

The outcomes of the workshops are to:

  • Help parents and children learn about Protective Behaviours together
  • Enable parents to help their children talk about, understand and manage their feelings
  • Enable parents to help their children develop empathy for the feelings of others
  • Help children to build resilience by asking for help and by using networks of support
  • Help parents and children will have quality time together.

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What parents and carers are saying about the Morris workshops:

Parent who attended Morris

It was particularly useful breaking down Teddy’s feelings (Morris) into simple terms to help my son understand. It will help me to use different language when discussing how they are feeling. Also, reminding me that I need to let them know how I am feeling. My son particularly enjoyed the one to one with me.

Parent who attended Morris
Parent who attended Morris

Morris workshop

I can talk better with my mum about my feelings. I told her I even enjoy the workshops because I feel safe to say what I want about my feelings. I like Matilda and mum’s getting me one for Christmas.

Child who attended Morris workshop
Morris workshop