Training professionals

We hope you are keeping safe and well in these strange and uncertain times. I imagine many services are needing to adapt to new ways of working as we are. We’ve needed to postpone some courses and lockdown happened before one course was completed! It’s been a steep learning curve and quite a Risk on Purpose to face the challenge of creating versions of our training courses and parent courses to run online together with a forthcoming socially distanced Level 1 course for a school federation. Our confidence in providing these courses online has grown and thanks to the very kind feedback and encouragement from the families and professionals who have attended. We are now feeling excited to be able to offer more.

We are pleased to say that our summer 2020 parent groups have successfully run online and Protective Behaviours (Foundation) Level 1 training using zoom.

Our next online Protective Behaviours training course is in September. Dates and details are under ‘What’s coming up’. As it is not yet safe enough, our ‘face to face’ training and parent groups remain postponed and we hope these will resume in the not too distant future.

Working With Parents and Carers

Families Feeling Safe – A Protective Behaviours programme for Mums, Dads & Carers

We are funded by HCC Targeted Parenting fund to deliver our evidence-based Families Feeling Safe Protective Behaviours programme. We have adapted our course to run online and sessions are shorter with learning packs and activities sent out to parents and carers to support the online sessions. The funding is allocated to certain areas of Hertfordshire however as courses will again run online in the Autumn term we can accept referrals from other districts if eligibility criteria is met.

For Mums, Dads & Carers:

• Hertsmere Thursdays 8-9pm 17th, 24th, Sept, 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd October

For Dads & male carers:

• North Herts Tuesdays 8-9pm 15th,22nd,29th Sept, 6th,13th & 20th October 2020

• Three Rivers Wednesdays 8-9pm 11th, 18th, 25th Nov, 2nd, 9th & 16th December 2020

• Welwyn & Hatfield Thursdays 8-9pm12th, 19th,26th Nov, 3rd, 10th & 17th December 2020

To make a referral to any of the above courses please email

For further details, posters, leaflets and registration forms please visit our website


What’s coming up 


Protective Behaviours training courses

Online Level 1 training

Online Level 2 training

The Families Feeling Safe Protective Behaviours programme for mums, dads & carers Facilitator training course (completion of Level 2 is required):

Your news

If you have any PBs news, images or examples of how you are using PBs we’d love to hear from you and feature this on our website or newsletter (with your permission).

Please contact us!

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