We are delighted to have been informed by OCN London that we have been awarded their Quality Mark for our learning provision, which includes all the training courses for professionals and programmes for families that we offer. Families Feeling Safe has always endeavoured to provide effective programmes and courses and to deliver these to the highest standard. OCN has recognised this stating that “Families Feeling Safe has the very best learning and development practice and cares about providing an outstanding learning experience for learners”.

In order to qualify for this we needed to complete a comprehensive self-evaluation to demonstrate that we:

  1. operated with integrity;
  2. maintained high standards of delivery; and
  3. continually monitored and improved practice.

OCN London had many favourable things to say about these, e.g.

  • “The learner recruitment process is fair and transparent”,
  • “Training is inclusive and accessible to learners”,
  • “Those delivering training have suitable expertise to do so”, and
  • “Evaluation of learning is undertaken to ensure that it is improved”.

We have always invited feedback on training courses and programmes and have used these to improve the quality of provision and it is particularly welcomed that OCN London has validated this aspect of our work.

The awarding of the Quality Mark is another milestone in our development and it was heartening to receive this comment in the email notifying us of our success: “OCN London would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Families Feeling Safe for achieving the OCN London Quality Mark and we wish you every success in your commitment to delivering effective education and training opportunities to your learners”.

To find out more about what is currently on offer please click here