Hertfordshire Business Awards 2016 – Finalist!

Herts BA 20th AnniversaryWe are so pleased to have recently been chosen as a Finalist in the Hertfordshire Business Awards 2016 Social Enterprise category! We evaluate all of our programmes and training with the children, parents, carers and professionals with whom we work and it feels really exciting to have this independent validation of our service.

Last week we received a visit by two judges giving us an opportunity to tell them more about our Protective Behaviours training and services and some of the outcomes for individuals and groups. Our time with the judges included

  • A parent who attended one of our Families Feeling Safe programmes talked to the judges about her experience of domestic abuse and since attending the programme finding the courage to make changes for herself and her children
  • Hearing how a Primary school are embedding Protective Behaviours through whole school staff training, anti-bullying and examples of the many creative ideas they use to engage children in learning that ‘We all have the right to feel safe all of the time’.
  • Sally a member of our team talked about our ADHD programme that ran in a secondary school all with boys at risk of exclusion. The successful outcome is that they remain in school with an enhanced understanding and ability to manage their feelings, thoughts and behaviours
  • The judges also were give a preview of 3 animations they we are creating in collaboration with Leeds University

We hope we’ve impressed them and it’s been a great experience and achievement so far. The awards event is this Thursday evening. Fingers crossed!!