What we’ve been up to
Training professionals
The spring term kept our trainers very busy delivering Levels 1 and 2 training courses and training professionals from a range of services to deliver our evidence-based Families Feeling Safe programme (FFSP) for mums, dads & carers.
It’s always a pleasure to work with people beginning or progressing their PBs knowledge and skills. Our trainers are also highly experienced PBs practitioners and facilitators of PBs based programmes. As trainers who also work directly with families in workshops or groups, direct work keeps us grounded. Seeing the difference PBs can make is the reason we want as many adults (Parents, Carers, Professionals) who are in contact with children and/or their parents and carers to know about PBs. How amazing if children heard consistent messages about their right to feel safe wherever they are!
A few quotes by professionals
‘Brilliant course – a lot to take in but now have an understanding of what PBs are and how they are relevant to everyone’ (Level 1 participant)
‘I will use this learning to support staff in clarifying feelings/thoughts in tough classroom dynamics. It’s been relevant in deepening my understanding of how to use PBs in different contexts in a school setting through the medium of safety and respect’ (Level 2 participant)
‘Clarity of how PBs can be delivered effectively to parents & carers. Well supported by thorough programme manual. Will enable me to take PBs further – to empower carers and parents to change behaviours and lives’ (FFSP Facilitator training participant)
New courses are on the website where you can also download a booking form. http://familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk/events/category/professionals/
If you are interested in whole school Inset or team training please email enquiries@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk
Working with families
We ran 6 FFSP programmes funded by HCC Targeted Parenting Fund last term and 6 more are running this term. To see what’s on this term please see http://familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk/families/families-feeling-safe-programmes/
We facilitated 15 Workshops for parents and carers in March funded by CAMHS. The workshops were arranged in partnership with each DSPL area.
The workshops were:
- Communication
- My Feelings Matter
- Managing Strong Feelings
Over 300 families contacted us and we had a great uptake of places with some workshops oversubscribed. Families attending gave us some lovely feedback with parents and carers definitely wanting more!
Morris (formerly ‘Norris’) the Bear and Friends Talk about Feelings
Morris is a 4-session programme for parents/carers and their child age 5-7 years working together using puppets and fun activities. The programme helps parents/carers and their child learn about and talk about feelings using Protective Behaviours ideas. It can help to reduce anxiety, build confidence and wellbeing, enhance family life while enjoying learning and playing together!
Here are some comments from parents ‘I’ve learnt new skills about how to talk more to my children about their feelings’; ‘I’ve been able to be involved with my child at school’; Here is one from a school which hosted a Morris programme: ‘This programme is completely supportive of our school’s commitment to “Learning to love and loving to learn.”’
The pilot programmes have been finished and we are currently finalising the facilitators’ training manual which will be finished this term. We plan to roll out training in the autumn term. The training will be available for anyone who has completed their Level 1 and Level 2 training courses. Please register your interest for the course by emailing admin@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk We will then contact you as soon as the training dates have been finalised.
What’s coming up
Protective Behaviours Level 1 training
19 & 26 June – Stevenage (Fully Booked)
3 & 10 July – Stevenage (click here)
Protective Behaviours Level 2 training
16–18 October – Stevenage (click here for application…and course details….)
Families Feeling Safe facilitator training
TBC – Spring 2019 to register your interest (if Level 2 has been completed) please email admin@familiesfeelingsafe.co.uk
PBs Network meetings
Open Network meetings:
These are open to anyone trained in PBs. They provide an opportunity for Continuing Professional Development, sharing of ideas, support, a refresher and can be focussed on a particular theme. There is no cost to attend.
Next meeting: 27th June 12.30-2.30pm at Starfish House, 3 North Road, Stevenage, SG1 4AT
Please let us know if you plan to attend
Families Feeling Safe programme – Facilitators Network
This termly network meeting is for trained facilitators. The next meetings are:
24th May 12.30-2.30pm
24th October 12.30-2.30pm
at Starfish House, 3 North Road, Stevenage, SG1 4AT
There is no cost to attend
Update on Animations Project
Through our work with Dr Hayley Davis, Lecturer in Childhood Studies at Leeds University three animations have been completed in following her research into how children responded to situations happening at home.
The three animations are:
• Domestic Abuse: Strategies for Staying Safe
• Bullying: Strategies for Staying Safe
• Child Sexual Abuse: Strategies for Staying Safe
The scenarios from the research have been recreated in the animations and are followed by Protective Behaviours themes. Initial pilot research from showing the animations to children, parents, carers and professionals has provided very positive feedback. We are currently working on the resources that can be used alongside the animations. These include a teacher/facilitator guide and an activity booklet for children.